Hey there!

This one is for every woman who found the strength to finally say "yes, it's my turn."

She's also dedicated to every woman still finding her way to saying those words, and living it.

So, let me paint you a picture, not literally 'cause I'm not about to steal the thunder from this fabulous sculpture, but you catch my drift. We're talking about more than just some fancy art piece. This girl right here is a whole journey in itself—a saga of triumph and self-discovery.

I've affectionately named her 'That Girl!'

She's not just any artwork; she's the leading lady of her story. Before I even picked up a pound of plaster, I had this vision, this energy of what I wanted her to embody. She IS my personal victory in overcoming the challenges that stood between me and the person I knew I was born to be.

bernice u. art

Every texture, every curve, it's all part of her story.

She wasn't always this beacon of badassery. Nah, she had her moments in the shadows, but guess what? This piece right here, is her mic drop moment. She shed the doubts, kicked aside the nah-sayers, and emerged as a full-blown queen in her queendom.

Take a good look at her, 'cause what you're seeing is the moment she said, "Enough is enough!" She's not waiting around anymore; she's grabbing life by the horns and owning it like in all it's fullness. It's like watching a caterpillar transform into a butterfly, only more confident and doing it sexier.

bernice u. art

And no, her journey wasn't all sunshine and rainbows.

She wasn't always clothed in sparkling bespoke couture. Nah nah, she had to wade through some murky waters, but she came out shining brighter than her heart could have imagined. Every crack, every flaw—it's all part of her charm. She picked herself up and mended her cracks with gold like Kintsugi. She's like a fine wine, getting better with age. 

Who is she?

  • She rose above the people who told her she would not amount to anything
  • She was resilient and fought for herself when she didn’t have any support 
  • She was assaulted and didn’t let that pain define her
  • She was passed over for the promotion because she was female
  • She was abused by a man who she thought was for her
  • She wasn’t given her inheritance because she is female
  • She was always told to learn how to cook and take care of a home as if that’s all that defined her
  • She was shamed for bringing shame to her family name because she got pregnant outside of wedlock
  • She was shamed for not being able to carry a child because her body simply couldn’t
  • She has been called angry because she dared to speak out her mind
  • She lost her job because she had to go bring life into this world
  • She was blamed when her body was stripped and abused because she wasn’t dressed appropriately

She has been a lot of things this list couldn’t possibly contain.

bernice u. artSo, when you see her standing there, radiating confidence and grace, with that plunging dress and bold earrings, know that she's been through the wringer and came out on top of it all.

Dear HER, this piece isn't just art; it's a testament to your resilience, to owning your truth, and strutting in your victory like you own the darn place.

So, here's to 'That Girl!' and to all the fierce women out there owning their story. This piece? It's not just a sculpture; it's a truth—a celebration of authenticity, strength, and unapologetic fabulousness. Soak it in, darling, and let it inspire you to be the badass you were always meant to be!