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40" x 30" x 6"
Plaster, acrylic paint, pigment, resin

"Bloom is a celebration of a woman in her prime, flourishing and radiating light to all around her. This vibrant piece embodies the essence of being multifaceted and flourishing in every endeavour.

The silhouette of the woman stands prominently against a rich tapestry of blues and greens, adorned with stylized flowers in bright orange and yellow. The flowing, three-dimensional drapery at the base, painted in shimmering purples, blues, and pinks, represents the fluidity and depth of her character.

Inspired by Jeremiah 17:7-8, this artwork reflects the beauty and resilience that come from trusting in the Lord. Just as a tree planted by the water thrives, so too does a life anchored in faith.

Bloom is a reminder of our God-given purpose and the abundance we possess to be more than one thing, flourishing in every season of life."

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